Audit Committee
The Audit Committee comprises three non-executive members of the Bank’s Board of Directors. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the committee is responsible for auditing the efficiency and adequacy of the Bank’s internal systems; , the compliance of these systems together with accounting and reporting systems c with the Law and relevant regulations and as well as the integrity of the information produced by these systems. The Audit Committee is also responsible from the preliminary evaluation of independent audit companies , rating, valuation and support service companies prior to their appointment by Board of Directors and regular monitoring of their activities after being appointed by the Board of Directors; and the maintenance and coordination of internal auditing activities of consolidated partnerships in accordance with the Law and regulations.
Corporate Governance Committee
Pursuant to the Regulation on the Banks’Corporate Governance Principles issued by Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) which was published in the Official Gazette issue 26333 dated November 1, 2006, and with the Corporate Governance Principles issued by CMB; the Corporate Governance Committee was formed with the Bank’s Board of Directors’ Resolution No. 185 dated June 15, 2007. The function of the Committee is to work on determining the principles of the Bank’s corporate governance policy, monitoring Bank’s compliance with corporate governance principles, ensuring relevant improvement efforts and presenting related proposals to the Board of Directors.
‘’Operating Procedures and Principles of the Corporate Governance Committee’’ regulation was enacted by the Board of Directors’ Resolution No. 209 dated July 24, 2007 and . revised into the ‘’Corporate Governance Committee Regulation’’ by the Board of Directors’ Resolution No. 283 dated December 29, 2011. The Committee carries out its activities within this context.
As per the Capital Markets Board’s “Communiqué on the Determination and Application of Corporate Governance Principles.”, Bank’s Board of Directors additionally decided Nomination Committee’s duties to be executed by Corporate Governance Committee.