Strong Password

Strong Password and Password Habits

We would like to remind you that your social media and personal e-mail accounts should be as secure as your Bank user accounts. We recommend that you consider the following basic items for protection, so that your accounts that are in your personal use cannot be taken over by malicious individuals or groups at any time for reasons under your control.

  • It must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters (for example, a-z, A-Z).
  • It must contain at least one alphabetic, one numeric, and one special character (for example, !@#$ %^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'<>?,./).
  • Password length must be at least 10 characters.
  • Password information used for accessing and should not be shared with anyone.
  • Please contact the Bank in case of security-related situations such as theft of the password or suspicion of fraud.
  • Passwords used in accessing the bank's website should not be visibly written by third parties.

In addition, the following uses should be avoided by adopting secure encryption habits in order to reduce the risks of cracking / guessing passwords;

  • All words (in any language) used by borrowing from dictionaries, encyclopedias.
  • Words containing easily guessable personal information (such as family members, pet names, or hobbies) or computer terms and names (such as commands).
  • Words with phone numbers, birthdays and addresses.
  • Previously used passwords.
  • Consecutive alphabet letters like abcd, aaa, bbb.
  • Consecutive numbers like 1234, 5432, 2367, 1111.
  • Sequential patterns such as qwerty, abcdefgh, zyxwvuts written in straight or reverse.

Our bank has adopted the best practices for creating a password as a security principle, in order to prevent any risks that may arise regarding the security of your password.